CSV file format
Description of the CSV file format for import, how to create a file, than open and edit, about all this can be read on the page Where to begin. Description of the fields of the CSV file can be read on the page CSV Field Description.
Adding New Products
For, to add a new product, the name of the product must be present in the CSV file _NAME_, other fields are optional.
All products will be imported from a CSV file according to the selected import mode.
Import modes
Update only
In this mode, the product will be searched based on the Key Field, if a match is found, then the product will be updated. If no matches are found, then product data will be ignored, in other words, the product will not be added to the store catalog.
If there are two products in the OpenCart catalog with the same key field (eg _SKU_), only the first product found in the OpenCart catalog will be updated.
If the CSV file contains two products with the same key field (eg _SKU_), then the update will be for the last product from the CSV file.
only add
In this mode, the entire product will be added to the store catalog as a new product without checks for duplicates and matches..
Update and Add
In this mode, the product will be searched based on the Key Field, if a match is found, then the product will be updated. If no matches are found, then the product will be added as new.
Only supplement
In this mode, the product is searched by the key field and if no match is found, the product will be added as new from the CSV file, if a match is found, goods will be skipped.
Delete forever
In this mode, the product will be searched based on the Key Field, if a match is found, then the product will be completely removed (excluding product images).
Key Field Manufacturer
If the CSV file has a field _MANUFACTURER_ and selected key field Manufacturer, then the addition and updating of goods will only occur if the key field Manufacturer and _MANUFACTURER_, all other products from the CSV file will be skipped.
Import product id from file
This setting allows you to import product id product_id
from CSV file, if the product id already exists in the OpenCart directory, then the goods will be skipped.
this is a special AUTO_INCREMENT data type in a MySQL database, which is automatically generated as a unique number (unsigned integer only) when adding a new record to the SQL table and serves to provide links between SQL tables.
In mode Update only and Update and Add import item id not working, so it can violate the integrity of the data in the OpenCart directory.
Enable image upload by URL
If this setting is enabled and fields _IMAGE_, _IMAGES_ AND _PRODUCT_IMAGES_ contain url images, then the images will be downloaded to the OpenCart directory, read more about importing images on the page Import and export images.
Product Pricing
Pricing mode
This option allows you to double perform arithmetic operations on the price, for example if you want to add 10% to current price, then you need to choose Multiply and Costing Values = 1.1
Costing Values
Costing Values Based on Pricing Mode (multiplication, division, subtraction, the amount). The value must be filled in as an integer or fractional number, where the separator of the fractional part must be a point (American format - USA)
Ignore empty fields
If setting is enabled, then when updating the product empty data will be ignored, old values will not be overwritten. For example, if the field _PRICE_ no data, then the old value will not be deleted, the price of the goods will remain unchanged.
Disable all items before import
If setting is enabled, then all products in the OpenCart directory will be disabled before import (_STATUS_ = 0), all updated and added items during import, will automatically be included (_STATUS_ = 1)
Balance Update
If setting is enabled, then before importing all goods, that are in the OpenCart directory, the amount will be set equal to zero.